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Monday, August 9, 2010

Warcraft: (a very subjective list of) 10 most important characters

In 9th place:

Old Gods
Race Old God
Title Old God of Chaos (C’thun) and Death (Yogg-Saron), Fiend of a Thousand Faces (Yogg-Saron)

When the world of Azeroth was young, the Old Gods were ancient beings of godlike power, who lead the chaotic elemental lords of the world. However, the coming of the Titans, whose goal was to create a new world and bring order to Azeroth, eventually lead to their defeat. Knowing that with their destruction, the world of Azeroth would fall into destruction, the Titans imprisoned them deep below the earth and used their power to sustain the world. Despite their imprisonment, they continued to exert their influence over the world over many events, such as the Curse of Flesh which weakened the primitive races of the world (leading to their evolution into current known races). They were also behind the corruption of Deathwing, Lord of the Black Dragonflight, and ultimately lead to his betrayal during the War of the Ancients. So far, of the 5 Old Gods of the world, one is dead with its corpse in Darkshore, C’thun is defeated in Silithus, Yogg-saron is defeated in Ulduar, and the remaining two (the Emerald Nightmare and the Old God of the Maelstrom, or possibly they are the same and there is one more) are still lurking deep beneath the world, awaiting vengeance upon the Titans and the mortal races of Azeroth.

"I am the lucid dream.
The monster in your nightmares.
The fiend of a thousand faces.
Cower before my true form.

(image from wowwiki)

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